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Linking Brand Experience and Brand Love to Word-of-Mouth in Food Retail
a ISCET – Higher Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences, Porto, Portugal, b Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, c Research Center in Economics and Business Sciences (CICEE), Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal.
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Araújo, Adriana, Ana Araújo, Jana Turčinkova, & José Magano. 2023. The Role of Brand Experience and Brand Love in Creating Word-of-Mouth in Food Retail, European Review of Business Economics III(1): 27-42.
Received: 28 December 2023. Accepted: 13 January 2024. Published: 21 March 2024.
Language: English
Brand love is associated with consumer behavior that affects organizational performance. This article examines the relationship between brand experience and brand love and between brand love and positive word-of-mouth among Portuguese consumers in the context of the international food retail chain LIDL. Specifically, it analyzes how brand experience contributes to consumers’ love for the LIDL brand and how this affects positive word-of-mouth. First, a narrative review of the literature on brand experience, brand love, and positive word-of-mouth is presented, followed by a quantitative study based on a sample of 1,049 Portuguese LIDL customers. Data were processed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including correlations, structural equation modeling and tests of differences. The results show significant positive associations between brand experience and brand love, and positive word-of-mouth, as well as significant differences in gender, generation, and occupational groups. However, the mediating role of brand love between brand experience and word-of-mouth is not significant. With a view to boosting positive word-of-mouth, marketers should manage the experience consumers have in-store and enhance both hedonic and utilitarian values.
Brand experience; Brand love; Word-of-mouth; Food retail.
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